Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's been awhile since my last update. What to cover?...
Well Monday I spent the day exploring around Uptown again. Just wandered by myself, tried on clothes at vintage stores and AmAppy, and ate pizza. On my way home I ran into that really nice traveler girl again. Her name is Takiaya. Since she was about to go out biking she said when she was back in the area she would stop by my house to hang out. She showed up around 9 and at the same time Otto called me to hang out as well. So Takiaya took Amanda, Otto, and myself "on a date." Which consisted of us playing music with a homeless man, trying to go to a bar called The John (all their chairs are old toilets), watching the beginning of the NeverEnding Story, and coloring. Eventually they left and Amanda and I strolled to Flanagan's where we met another bartender, who works at Mimi's (and used to work for our housemate, Willy, at the Dragon's Den) named Neptune. Him and I bonded over our favorite authors, creative writing, and being general book nerds. Amanda and him bonded over the fact that they both worked in the same national park; only 8 years apart.

On Tuesday my friend Madi flew into town with some friends as a spur of the moment trip induced by the location of dirt cheap airline tickets. But before that we had to go make lunch for Amanda's grandmother. Having heard all kinds of stories about her before hand and entered her house with my head full of preconceived notions. She appeared to be a charming lady but there were signs of a somewhat more crazy personality underneath. Not necessarily in a bad way, but there was obviously more to her than her "nice, little old lady" act. Either way I enjoyed my time there and she even offered to pay me to help her out around the house while Amanda was at work. Afterward, we met up with Madi and her friends and had coffee together, split up (Amanda and I met up with Taylor so we could hang out/give Amanda boy advice, which resulted in some scalding but well deserved text messages), and met up again in the evening so we could show them around Frenchmen St. It was good to catch up with Madi but based on first impressions I didn't seem to have much in common with the others. They wanted to go bar hopping, which I was not interested in on a dead Tuesday night, so we parted ways after a few drinks. Amanda and I proceeded to make the most delicious drunken dinner of veggie-filled omelets, toast, and black beans, while listening to Lil' Wayne and attempting to freestyle rap. It did not go well:

I don't wanna check emails.
I just want to make weed sales.
So let's break out them big scales.

The "famous" corn fence.

A street lamp on the Mardi Gra parade route.

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